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高新晓 - 北京安贞医院(在2012年6月-8月到日本进修)

Thank you for your generous support and well organization. I have spent a three-month period of training on Osaka University, Graduate School of Medicine. This was a precious experience for me. I learned a lot during my visiting in Osaka University, Graduate School of Medicine, including medical retina from Dr. Gomi and surgical retina from Dr. Ikuno and also a lot of interesting cases and useful surgical skills, due to the help of my supervisors. I will continue to some works of fundus diseases in the future.
I am grateful to you. For your great help, I had this opportunity to visit University Hospital abroad. This was a big fortune for my following study and work. This experience enriched my life and will encourage me to keep going in my career.

Gao Xinxiao
Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University, China

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